Daily Archives: June 27, 2017

Alec Baldwin will return to ‘SNL’ as Donald Trump – CNN

Posted: June 27, 2017 at 7:46 am

The 59-year-old actor said that he will be bringing back his famous Donald Trump impersonation to "Saturday Night Live" this fall.

"Yea, we're going to fit that in. I think people have enjoyed it," said Baldwin, who was in New York City on Monday to promote is new movie "Blind." His busy fall schedule will keep the number of Trump impersonations to a minimum, he said, which means SNL fans will be treated to "a couple celery sticks" rather than a "whole meal" of blonde wigs and orange bronzer.

Baldwin has hosted "SNL" a record 17 times and his Trump impersonation has become one of his most memorable sketches.

During his Spike TV roast, which was taped on Sunday night at New York City's Apollo Theater, his Hollywood cohorts, Robert De Niro, Julianne Moore, Tracy Morgan and Horatio Sands all commended Baldwin's spot-on Trump impression during their roasts.

Baldwin's success on "SNL" and in movies means he's in a position to be selective about the projects he works on. Baldwin says that he picks his roles wisely because he doesn't need to work out of necessity.

"You get a little bit older and you think, 'Do I want to work right now?' For me the question is not what do I want to do [it's] do I want to do anything? Do I want to work? I don't need to work. Do I want to work or do I want to just take it easy and smell the roses or do something else? When I decide I want to go to work I look at what's out there and pick something that's the best that's available to me."

"Blind" hits theaters on July 14.

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Alec Baldwin will return to 'SNL' as Donald Trump - CNN

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Experts say Affordable Care Act has helped people avoid bankruptcy – WRAL.com

Posted: at 7:46 am

While congressional debate continues over health care, there is another element worth considering.

Personal bankruptcy filings have been cut in half over the past six years. Some experts credit health coverage available under the Affordable Care Act for the drop.

Katie Weber knows the importance of good health insurance.

The 29-year-old is fighting cancer, and she says her treatments would have bankrupted her if not for the financial protections available under the ACA.

"I don't know how many MRIs I've had, but in the dozens for sure," Weber said,.

Bankruptcy courts never ask people why they are filing, but many bankruptcy and legal experts Consumer Reports spoke with agree medical bills were a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before health insurance expanded under the ACA.

"Medical bills are often unexpected, large and unavoidable, so people who don't have insurance can run up massive debt in a relatively short period of time," Consumer Reports' Allen St. John said.

Since 2010, personal bankruptcy filings have dropped by about 50 percent. Experts credit the improved economy for part of the decline, as well as laws passed in 2005 that make it harder to declare bankruptcy.

But nearly all the experts Consumer Reports interviewed also point to expanded health insurance as a major influence on the drop.

"Our reporting found that coverage for pre-existing conditions and also a ban on lifetime limits were really important because it prevented people with serious medical issues from having to file bankruptcy," St. John said.

Weber said she hopes those safeguards remain a part of any new health care legislation.

"Even if I get better, when I get better, the follow-up will be continuous," she said. "The idea that, moving forward, insurers wouldn't cover some of the things that I really need to be covered is really scary to me, to be honest."

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Experts say Affordable Care Act has helped people avoid bankruptcy - WRAL.com

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Servco says Takata bankruptcy won’t affect its airbag service in Hawaii – Pacific Business News (Honolulu)

Posted: at 7:46 am

Pacific Business News (Honolulu)
Servco says Takata bankruptcy won't affect its airbag service in Hawaii
Pacific Business News (Honolulu)
"The safety of our customers is a top priority for Toyota Hawaii and we don't anticipate the bankruptcy filing of Takata to affect our efforts to ensure our customers' safety" a spokesperson for Servco told PBN. "We're still asking our customers to ...

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Servco says Takata bankruptcy won't affect its airbag service in Hawaii - Pacific Business News (Honolulu)

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There is a strong economic case to preserve future of traditional fishing – Alfred Sant – Malta Independent Online

Posted: at 7:46 am

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that there is a strong economic case, and not just a social and a cultural one, to preserve and enhance future traditional fishing in the same way that this is being done for fish stocks. Explaining his vote in favour of the report "Status of fish stocks and socio-economic situation of the fishing sector in the Mediterranean" at the European Parliament, the Maltese MEP said we can no longer ignore the fact that institutionally and economically, the position of traditional fishermen was not sufficiently taken into account when conservation policies were being drafted. In part this happened because the legitimate interests of these fishermen were not adequately represented and assessed, in the face of a fast growing and politically effective modern industrial sector.

This has got to be corrected. Fortunately, there is a growing awareness among traditional fishermen even in the remoter areas that they need to mobilise more effectively. For even now, there are some who consider traditional fishing as an economically non-viable activity which must be tolerated till it dies out on its own.

I voted for this resolution because it makes a serious effort to consider traditional and artisanal fishing as an integral part of the fisheries sector in the Mediterranean, giving members of this community the prominence they deserve, while relating it in a realistic way to the effective management of fish stocks. remarked the Maltese MEP.

The Report dealt with the dramatic decline ofMediterranean fish stocks - more than 90% of those assessed are overexploited, with some on the verge of collapse. It stresses the need to improve stock assessment (data collection, availability and analysis; suggesting a common database) as well as control and surveillance, and to strengthen cooperation among Mediterranean countries (EU and non-EU), particularly in view of tackling illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The Report refers to preferential treatment for small and artisanal fisheries as well as the need for a guarantee for a basic income for fishermen during "biological rest periods". The report also refers specifically to talks on the problem of poor data as regards to fishing and the need to further involve fishermen in the decision-making process. It also deals with the third country factor and the impact that fishermen from non-EU countries have on fishing in the Mediterranean.

The Resolution was approved with 558 votes in favour, 43 against, and 35 abstentions.

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There is a strong economic case to preserve future of traditional fishing - Alfred Sant - Malta Independent Online

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‘Distractions’ like Hindi imposition are ‘essence’ of Narendra Modi government, says CPM – Firstpost

Posted: at 7:44 am

Chennai: CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury alleged on Monday that the "distractions", including the latest "imposition" of Hindi in states where the language was not widely spoken, were the "essence" of the three-year rule of the Narendra Modi-led BJP government at the Centre.

CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury. PTI

Flaying the Centre for "not honouring" the promises made to the people, he said here, "Everyday, you will have some sort of a distraction brought in (by the government).

"The latest one is that of language imposition. All the senior ministers are suddenly talking about Hindi being the national language and that it should be promoted. These distractions are the essence of the three-year rule of the Modi government."

The Left leader was speaking at a seminar, jointly organised by the Students' Federation of India and the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers' Association.

Recalling that the people of Tamil Nadu had a "big history" of fighting "caste-based oppression", he said they needed to carry it forward to strengthen the "idea of India" and stop the country from being reduced to the "narrow confines" of the "Hindi, Hindu and Hindutva" slogan.

"That is the larger battle we are facing today," said Yechury.

"The promises made to our farmers are not being honoured. Nothing of what was told to the people of this country is being honoured by this government," he alleged.

Noting that the imposition of a language was an "imposition of a certain ideological condition", the Rajya Sabha member said, "That ideological condition is a prerequisite project for converting the secular, democratic republic of India into their (BJP's) version of a Hindu Rashtra.

"That is why, I think the seminar you have organised against the imposition of Hindi and the excavation project in Keezhadi (near Madurai in Tamil Nadu) must be seen as a path towards the larger battle which is taking place in the country right now."

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'Distractions' like Hindi imposition are 'essence' of Narendra Modi government, says CPM - Firstpost

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Morcha holds rally in Darjeeling, burns GTA accord papers – India.com

Posted: at 7:44 am

Darjeeling, June 27 (IANS) In a bid to cut all ties with the West Bengal government and to protest the development board of the North Bengal hills, the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) on Tuesday burnt documents of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) agreement.

The GTA activists gathered at Chowk Bazar and publicly set fire to the documents.

They announced more rallies would be held and warned all other parties against taking part in any fresh elections to the GTA in the hills.

The scheduled demonstration drew a huge crowd from all across the North Bengal hill town. The demonstrators carried the Tricolor along with the GJM party flag and raised pro-Gorkhaland slogans, demanding statehood.

The GJM leadership present at the Chowk Bazar said similar demonstrations would be held at 45 other places in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and the Dooars region.

They said the burning of the GTA documents officially marked the end of the developmental board in the hills.

Today (Tuesday) we are burning the GTA memorandum agreement and the GTA Act that was signed in August 2011. From today, GTA would be a non-entity in the hills. We do not want the GTA anymore. The only thing we want now is Gorkhaland, Binay Tamang, GJMs Assistant General Secretary, said.

None of the political parties in the hills would participate in any form of GTA election. But if the state government tries to impose the election here and anyone tries to fight the election even as an independent candidate, they would have to do that at their own risk, Tamang warned.

Similar demonstrations were observed in the plains of North Bengal as the GJM supporters gathered in large numbers at various places in Siliguri.

The local Morcha leadership blamed Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of trying to polarise the people in the hills and pledged to continue their fight till their demand for a separate Gorkhaland is fulfilled.

Mamata Banerjee has repeatedly come to the hills and tried to polarise us. We are protesting against that by burning these documents. Our fight for Gorkhaland would continue till it is achieved, GJM leader Vishal Chettri said.

Earlier in the day, in a unique form of protest against the state government and police actions, several activists of Yuba Morcha the youth wing of GJM conducted a tubelight rally and broke the tubelight rods on their back.

This is a protest against Bengals constant oppression of the Nepali community. We have different cultures, different language. We should have a different state, said an activist who participated in the demonstration.

On Monday, Prakash Gurung, President of the Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha (GJYM), vowed to resort to hunger-strike and self-immolation and urged the Centre to start a dialogue on the issue of separate Gorkhaland.

We will intensify our agitation for Gorkhaland by taking the path of self-sacrifice and fasting unto death from now on, he said.

The picturesque Darjeeling district in northern West Bengal is on the boil for more than two weeks now over the demand for a separate Gorkhaland.

The GJM, which is spearheading the movement for Gorkhaland, has repeatedly rejected any possibility of talks with the Mamata Banerjee government, accusing it of oppression and high-handedness.

The Trinamool Congress government in the state maintains that it is ready for a discussion after the situation in the area becomes normal.

This is published unedited from the IANS feed.

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Morcha holds rally in Darjeeling, burns GTA accord papers - India.com

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In Pictures: ‘Political oppression’ Hong Kong activists call for release of Nobel winner Liu Xiaobo – Hong Kong Free Press

Posted: at 7:44 am

Two protests were stagedoutside Beijings office in Hong Kong on Tuesday in support of Chinese activist and Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo.

Around 20 people joined a march led by political parties Demosisto and the League of Social Democrats to demand Lius unconditional release.

Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

Two hours later, around 30 people from the Democratic Party, the Civic Party andthe Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China also held a march from Western Police Station to the China Liaison Office.

Photo: Supplied.

Liuwas sentenced to 11 years in 2008 afterwriting a manifesto called Charter 08 calling for democratic reform in China. Hewas released on medical parole on Mondayafter being diagnosed with terminal liver cancer.

Chinese authorities said Liu is being treated byeight renowned Chinese oncologists in a hospital inthe northeastern city of Shenyang.

The one-party state kills people without a weapon. Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

On Tuesday, protesters held placards sayingThe one-party state kills people without weapons and Political oppression is unacceptable.

Lawmaker Long Hair Leung Kwok-hung called the Chinese government shameless for putting Liu under surveillance even ashe is receiving medical treatment.

Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

Liu should be freed. He should enjoy the same rights as everyone, including the freedom to getmedical treatment and see hisfamily, Leung said.

He expressed sadness over the news and said he hoped thediagnosis was wrong,as he had hoped to see Liu when he has servedhis time.

Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

Some protesters wore masks of Lius face and carried signs that said: We are all Liu Xiaobo.

See also:How Chinese intellectual Liu Xiaobo spoke up for change, only to be jailed by Beijing

Demosisto activist Joshua Wong said Liu was only transferred from one prison to another. He asked all lawmakers and activists to demand Chinese President Xi Jinping release Liu during the leaders visit to Hong Kong this week.

Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

It istime for Hong Kong people to ask for democratisation [of] Hong Kong and mainland China, he added.

The group also urged Beijingtofree Lius wife, Liu Xia, who has beenunder house arrestsince 2010.

Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

The China Liaison Office did not send a representative to take the petition letter from the group.

Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

In response, protestersposted pictures of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia on the offices wall, with messages calling for their release and criticising Beijing for its political and unjust imprisonment of Liu.

Release Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia unconditionally now. Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

Police officers blocked off part of the sidewalk with tape and took personal information of protesters as they turned up to the rally.

See also: 12 reactions from NGOs, China and the intl community as Beijing releases Nobel winner Liu Xiaobo

The Charter 08 is not criminal. Shame on political prosecution. Photo: HKFP/Catherine Lai.

The international community has united in a chorus of condemnation in response to the news. NGO Human Rights Watch called for Lius immediate release, while Amnesty International Hong Kongsaid the diagnosis adds injury to insult to Liu.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee invited Liu to visit Oslo to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. It said it strongly regrets that it took serious illness before Chinese authorities were willing to release him from jail.


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In Pictures: 'Political oppression' Hong Kong activists call for release of Nobel winner Liu Xiaobo - Hong Kong Free Press

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In ‘Amatka,’ A Warped And Chilling Portrait Of Post-Truth Reality – NPR

Posted: at 7:44 am

The Nordic speculative-fiction scene has become increasingly prominent in the past few years, with authors such Leena Krohn and Johanna Sinisalo, both from Finland, garnering fresh attention and translations in the United States. In Sweden, one of the most promising authors of science fiction and fantasy in recent years has been Karin Tidbeck.

Her 2012 short story collection, Jagganath, showcased her knack for sharp yet dreamlike tale-spinning. Tidbeck's debut novel Amatka came out the same year, in Swedish only and it's seeing its first English translation now. Not a moment too soon, either: Despite being originally published five years ago, its surreal vision of deadly conspiracies, political oppression, and curtailed freedom couldn't be more eerily timely.

Amatka takes place in one of the most audacious science-fiction settings since Besel/Ul Qoma from China Miville's The City and The City. In Miville's book, two fictional European city-states are superimposed upon each other, with residents of each forbidden to acknowledge the existence of the other. In Tidbeck's agricultural colony of Amatka, a totalitarian government rules over a deprived and economically depressed population. But this is no run-of-the-mill dystopia. One of Amatka's many repressive rules is the requirement that citizens routinely repeat the names of certain marked objects in the colony. If they don't, those objects will dissolve into what the main character Vanja, calls "gloop" a formless substance that feels uncannily like living tissue.

Despite being originally published five years ago, [Tidbeck's] surreal vision of deadly conspiracies, political oppression, and curtailed freedom couldn't be more eerily timely.

The strangeness does not come anywhere close to ending there. Vanja is from another colony, Essre, and she travels to Amatka for a work assignment to assess the marketing possibilities there for the hygiene-product company she works for. This world's level of technology is woefully backward, and Vanja struggles to acclimate to Amatka's coldness and remoteness. It's a place of underground mushroom farms and impossible lakes that freeze and thaw of their own volition, a nowhere-land with a gray and featureless sky. The more she settles into life in Amatka, though, the more the colony's oddness intensifies. Objects begin to dissolve at an increasing rate, and conspiracies start to appear some of them connected to a fomenting rebellion, and some of them regarding the government's apparent cover-up of the true reason behind its draconian laws. Not to mention the reality-melting secret of the gloop.

Tidbeck's premise is almost comical, but her execution is anything but. Amatka teems with mysteries, and almost every innocuous detail like the fact that the colony's residents are vegan winds up having head-spinning ramifications later on. As exquisitely constructed as her enigmas are, however, they're atmospheric and deeply moving. Vanja is not an easy character to latch onto, but that sense of distance makes her ultimate choices and sacrifices and what they say about loneliness and freedom so much more poignant.

Amatka does not wrap up as conclusively as many readers may like, but then it's nowhere near being a conventional sci-fi novel. Tidbeck triumphs at crafting an ending that's both unsettingly vague and unerringly true to the warped internal logic of her world. Amatka is so disorienting that it makes the otherwise generic elements of her political dystopia including crippling procedures and secret camps for dissidents feel almost comfortingly familiar. It's an unnerving trick, and one Tidbeck pulls off to effect: She paints the moral ambiguities of a repressive society in the same gray tones as the sky above Amatka. Most of all, her meditation on the power of names and how language can be used to control both perception and substance resonates chillingly in our post-truth reality.

Jason Heller is a senior writer at The A.V. Club, a Hugo Award-winning editor and author of the novel Taft 2012.

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In 'Amatka,' A Warped And Chilling Portrait Of Post-Truth Reality - NPR

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PopPolitics: ‘The Force’ Author Don Winslow on the ‘Insanity’ of Trump’s Return to a War on Drugs (Listen) – Variety

Posted: at 7:44 am

Don Winslows new epic novel The Force centers on NYPD detective sergeant Denny Malone, who leads an elite unit, waging a war on drugs, gangs and guns. Malone is both effective and corrupt, the kind of figure that raises moral questions of when the ends justify the means.

Fox already has snatched up the rights to the novel, published last week, with James Mangold directing and David Mamet adapting the book into a screenplay.

In an interview with Varietys PopPolitics on SiriusXM, Winslow talks about how his own experience, working as a private detective in New York in the 70s, inspired this latest work, as well as how hes long had the idea of centering one of his novels in the city.

The French Connection I can remember to this moment sitting in a big theater on Broadway in Times Square watching that film, and thinking, Man, this is so exciting, and gritty and vivid. Wouldnt it be great if some day I could make my living telling stories like this?' Winslow says.

The Force is set in the present day, against a backdrop of politically charged issues over police use of force and the war on drugs.

Winslow is particularly outspoken about the Trump administrations approach to the drug war, having taken out a full-page ad in the New York Times on Monday in which he says that the president wants to drag us back into one of the most catastrophic social policies in this nations history.

What Mr. Trump and Mr. Sessions have vocalized lately is a return to the worst days of the war on drugs, in terms of maximum sentences, arresting again for marijuana, and pushing for heavy sentences there, Winslow says. You would think that 50 years of futility, 50 years of policies that have only made things worse, you try something different.

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Winslow talks about his process of researching The Force, including interviews and conversations with cops, combing through court records and studying policing textbooks. After his success in writing on the Mexican drug war in novels such as The Cartel, Winslow as said that cops are harder to penetrate that drug cartels.

They are more insular. Its a more protective kind of society, he says. I cant tell you how many cops told me, I only talk to other cops. Only other cops can understand me. And both professionally and personally, they have a longstanding habit of keeping things close, keeping things tight. Drug traffickers, particularly the ones you interview in prison, dont have a lot to lose, and are more amenable to talking and telling stories.

But Winslow says that once he established trust with NYPD officers, then you could believe everything that they said. You could go deep with them in ways you never could with drug traffickers.

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Coal Culture

Michael Bonfiglio, director of the documentary From the Ashes, talks about the making of his project, which features interviews with displaced coal miners and others who are grappling with the health and environmental impacts of the 19th century energy source.

While President Trump decided to pull out of the Paris climate accords because of his belief that it would harm coal industry jobs, From the Ashes shows how the industry is still unlikely to see a rebound in jobs, given the mechanization of the business.

The coal industry is not a huge employer, and replacing the jobs that the coal industry provides is not an undaunting task at all, Bonfiglio says.

From the Ashes debuted on National Geographic on Sunday, but is available for free on streaming sites like YouTube, Hulu and Amazon until next Monday.

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PopPolitics, hosted by Varietys Ted Johnson, airs from 2-3 p.m. ET/11-noon PT on SiriusXMs political channel POTUS. It also is available on demand.

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PopPolitics: 'The Force' Author Don Winslow on the 'Insanity' of Trump's Return to a War on Drugs (Listen) - Variety

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China jails top casino exec over gambling crimes – CNNMoney

Posted: at 7:44 am

A Shanghai court on Monday sentenced Jason O'Connor, the head of Crown Resorts' international unit for high-rolling gamblers, to 10 months in prison on gambling charges, the company said.

The outcome ends months of uncertainty for the big Australian casino operator. Chinese authorities detained the group of Crown employees last October in a major roundup that spooked Asia's gambling industry.

Wealthy Chinese gamblers have proved highly lucrative for Crown and other operators in the region, which have sought to lure them to their overseas destinations. But that approach appears to have fallen foul of President Xi Jinping's sweeping clampdown on corruption, which has targeted gambling as a way for corrupt officials to launder money.

Related: China has a worrying habit of making business leaders disappear

O'Connor was among a group of 19 current or former Crown employees who were convicted in court on Monday. Sixteen of them received prison sentences similar to O'Connor's, according to a company statement. They were also fined a total of 8.62 million yuan ($1.26 million), which Crown said it would pay for them.

The prison sentences are backdated, which means O'Connor and the others have already served more than eight months.

Gambling is illegal in China, except in the territory of Macau. Promoting gambling in mainland China is not allowed, but foreign casinos can promote their resorts in a more general way.

Related: Japan opens door to potential $30 billion casino industry

Chinese "VIP" gamblers brought in big bucks for Crown. More than a third of revenue generated by the company's Australian resorts for the year ended June 2016 came from international visitors, most of them from mainland China, according to the company's latest annual report.

But it reported a decline in sales and profit in the second half of last year due to a 45% plunge in revenue from high-rolling gamers.

The detentions prompted Crown to rethink its business. Since October, it has closed several offices across Asia and offloaded its stake in a Macau casino operator.

CNNMoney (Hong Kong) First published June 26, 2017: 5:47 AM ET

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